Are there specific leaders in your church?

In the New Testament the oversight of individual congregations was left to qualified men, designated as overseers, or elders (1 Tim 3:1-7, Titus 1:5-9).

The elders in each location had specific responsibilities to teach, oversee, rule, and be examples to the flock of God under their care. Each congregation functioned with a plurality, or group, of elders. The elders in one congregation had no responsibility, or authority, in another congregation. Likewise, all elders in a congregation had equal responsibility and authority in that congregation (Titus 1:5, 1 Pet 5:1-4).

All the work of the church, including that of the deacons, is overseen by the elders (Acts 20:28, Heb 13:7 & 17). Deacons have authority only as they are assigned, by the elders, to be “over” some specific “business” for the congregation (Acts 6:3).

From the Gospels, we learn that Jesus treated men and women equally in regard to discipleship (John 11, John 4:4-42, Luke 10:38-42, Luke 8:1-3, Matt 28:1-10, etc.). However, a difference in role assignments for men and women was observed in the early church. Men were exclusively selected to be the leaders, and women were taught to worship alongside them ( 1 Tim 3, Titus 1:5, 1 Tim 2:9-15). We strive to pattern ourselves, in the way we come together to worship, after the New Testament church. This includes the structure of our leadership.

Is there an overseeing organization for your church?

The New Testament authorizes no organization for the universal church other than Jesus, the absolute monarch and head of the church who possesses all authority (Eph 1:18-23, Col 1:15-20, Matt 28:18). The Word of God, the Holy Bible, is the only authorized written document given as a communication between God and those who seek Him (Rev 22:18-21). As such, the Churches of Christ recognize no overarching organization, or authority, outside of God Himself.

What do you believe about baptism?

We preach baptism because Jesus and the apostles taught baptism (Mark 16:15-16; Matt 28:18-20, Acts 2:37-38, Rom 6:1-23). However, baptism alone does not save man from sin. We must teach and obey the whole plan of salvation :

Grace (Eph 2:8-9); Mercy (Eph 2:4-5); Word (2 Tim 3:16-17); Jesus (Rom 5:8)

People stand guilty of sin. They must be taught hear (Rom 10:17) the gospel of Christ, bringing them to an understanding of their sin guilt and a belief in Christ believe (Rom 10:9-10), they will then understand the need to confess (Rom 10:9-10) that Jesus is the only way to be reconciled to God through his perfect sacrifice, repent (Acts 2:38) of their sins, (turning away from the life of sin previously led), submit themselves to immersion, or baptism, (1 Pet 3:21; Matt 28:18-20) for the washing away of their sins, burial with Christ to be raised to a new life to be lived faithfully through and in Christ Jesus (Rev 2:10; 2 Pet 1:1-11).

Man cannot save himself from sin. Jesus’ blood on the cross saves us from our deserved punishment (Eph 1:7; Rom 6:1-8). But, faith in Jesus is more than just a mental acknowledgement that He exists (Matt 7:21-23). We need to obey him and follow His plan of salvation and not our own. Baptism is an essential part of the Lord’s plan. In baptism we “put on Christ” (Gal 3:26-27).

Why don’t you use instruments as part of your worship service?

Congregational singing was commanded for the Lord’s church (Acts 16:25, Eph 5:19, Col 3:16-17, Heb 2:12, James 5:13). In the Old Testament, instruments in worship were commanded (Psalm 150). However, the use of instruments in Old Testament worship, does not advocate their use in the New Testament era of the Lord’s Church. The Old Testament is no longer binding on men as a system of religious doctrines and practices. It has been nailed to the cross in order that the New Testament church might come into being (Heb 10:8-10, Col 2:14).

Do you take communion every Sunday?

It is apparent that the Lord’s supper, or communion, was an important part of worship on the Lord’s day (Acts 20:7-11). We partake of the Lord’s Supper on the first day of every week, following the example of the New Testament church. The Lord’s Supper is a renewal of the covenant the Christian has entered into, at baptism, with God. As Christians remember Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross, they reflect on their past need, and their present responsibility. They were once sinners without hope, in need of a Savior, and are now to live a life of obedience and devotion to God (1 Cor 11:26-29).

Am I expected to give money towards the contribution?

We participate in a weekly offering as commanded by the scriptures (1 Cor 16:2) but, that is an obligation of the members of our congregation. This money is used to further the work of the church in spreading the gospel of Jesus Christ. While visitors may choose to give during the time we take the offering, we do not expect you to participate.

Do you believe that members of the Churches of Christ are the only ones saved?

Jesus expects his followers to be one, in the same sense that he and the Father are one. Believers in years to come would learn of, and follow him through the Word (John 17:20-23). Jesus makes it clear that his disciples can only be made by accepting the teaching set forth by his apostles, and that these disciples must, and will, then be one because they believe and teach the same thing (Eph 4:4-6).

Less time should be spent on the who and more should be spent on what is right. Not all “religious” people are saved. Only those who submit themselves to the Lord’s will and seek to obey Him will be saved (2 Tim 4:3-4; Matt 7:13-27; 2 Thess 1:8; 1 Pet 4:17; Matt 25:31-46, John 12:41-50).